The Trick (2021 TV Movie)
lost the plot
1 November 2021
All the elements are there so this really comes down to bad direction. If the idea is to promote action on climate change, the producers and director have done nothing except muddle things with this mishmash convoluted story. I vaguely remember when the real story broke but didn't remember the details which may be why I didn't get this film. For more than 30 mins in I had no idea what the story was about because it was just a jumble of different scenes and characters and it just made no sense and most of it was not about the main character at all, just the peripheries of the story. The main character was relegated to 1 dimensional cartoon figure constantly crying and raising his hands to his head like "The Scream" but they used so much idiotic technobabble it was hard to understand exactly what he did to deserve persecution for most of the first third of the film. Too many scenes, too much melodrama, and too many cliches, and too little relation to the main character. The acting was great; but the story direction was awful. And of course at the end there's the speech where our hero gets vindicated. But, it's interesting on one point because it's a story about a supposed conspiracy to deceive that is blamed on another conspiracy against the conspiracy but in the end, the story is about nothing much at all. Well, that is, if there was some plot of importance, they lost it. (for the record, my comments are on the film, not the topic)
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