The Witnesses (2021– )
31 October 2021
It sounded fascinating, a series of eight episodes, crisply done in 25 minutes each with one witness to the kidnapping per episode and then, presumably, a solution at the end.

Instead we got Dr Jasmin Braun who betrayed her professional and personal ethics to assist directly in this police investigation instead of evaluating the evidence.

In her first foray over the eight episodes into interrogation, she seemed to posses almost Bene Gesserit powers. Witnesses crumpled before her incisiveness, memories were awakened, false ones implanted, supposed truths arrived at.

And then the denouement! Utterly risible. I don't want to get into spoilers, but that all this was set up and masterminded by someone who wanted revenge (and got it) was absurd. The identity of the original perp was not guessable at all as they were dropped into the plot at the last moment. So there was no pleasure to be had by playing detective in front of the TV set.

I was extremely disappointed. This could have been so good, but the memory jogging angle was not plausible. Nor was the storyline. If I'd known, i wouldn't have bothered. Let this be a warning to others not to.
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