Creepy feral Jill draws sympathy
31 October 2021
This drew me in from the very beginning with a reporter being stalked by two figures in the woods. This pair of huntsmen are the feral siblings Jack and Jill who had been driven by their mother into the fells of the Northern English wilderness. This had been done for their own safety and they grow up in the hope their mother will return to them. Hikers are going missing in the area 15 years after Jack and Jill's abandonment. We see five young hikers on a fell-walking trip with a pall of gloom hanging over them after tragedy has befallen one of their friends. Unrequited yearnings between the five is going on so none of them is in a relationship. The photography and music is just right as their slow and creepy journey continues. Also the gore is strong but bearable I thought and there are only a couple of mild profanities. Pick of the characters for me is Jill who draws such sympathy from the hikers and at first she seems to respond to their kind concern. She and Jack collect trophies from their hiking victims and assemble a ritual area of candles and a skull and a teddy bear. I really like this one as my choice selection for Halloween 2021.
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