Essentially just a super boring heist movie...
30 October 2021
Wow, the prequel that you never knew would happen and you never really wanted. Now, the 2021 movie "Army of the Dead" was somewhat of a swing and a miss, and then comes the follow-up, which actually is a sequel about the character that was one of the least interesting. So this definitely has the ingredients for a smash hit. Right?


I didn't even know that they were making a prequel before I stumbled upon it by random chance on Netflix. And seeing that it was about Dieter (played by Matthias Schweighöfer), then I wasn't really particularly stoked. But still, I opted to give "Army of Thieves" a chance. So I watched it.

And felt like I had just effectively wasted a little more than two hours of my life. Wow, this movie was even worse than "Army of the Dead". At least "Army of the Dead" had zombies in it. "Army of Thieves" was just a boring and pointless heist movie. Nothing more, nothing less. And heist movies doesn't really get me worked up.

So yeah, the storyline written by Shay Hatten and directed by lead actor Matthias Schweighöfer himself, just didn't bring much entertainment or enjoyment to the table for me. And while I did manage to sit through the entire ordeal, I can honestly say that this is not a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time, nor is it a movie I would recommend you wasting your time or effort on.

Sure, they had a good ensemble of actors and actresses on the cast list here, but it didn't really matter much as the storyline itself fell short of providing me with an entertaining viewing.

My rating of "Army of Thieves" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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