See the Man Run (1971 TV Movie)
What A TV Movie Should Be
29 October 2021
Actor Robert Culp wakes groggily when the phone rings. It's kidnappers telling him they have his daughter and want $50,000 in small bills. Don't contact the police. He tells wife Angie Dickinson, and they are confused. They're broke and they don't have a daughter. The kidnapper called him Doctor and another name. He checks the phone exchange and are connected to Eddie Albert, whose wife, June Allyson, grows hysterical. They are cut off. Culp starts to phone back, then a thought strikes him: suppose they tell Albert it's $150,000, pay the kidnappers their ransom, and keep the rest. But the best laid plans of mice and men aft gang agley.

It's a TV movie from Universal, and you can tell by the visuals. It looks like a TV movie. But the script is a fine one, the performers are old pros, and Corey Allen directs with a firm hand, from Culp and Miss Dickinson waking with morning hair through a fine twist ending.

That's not me as 'Dex'.
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