Review of Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl (2021–2023)
Way better than I thought it would be
29 October 2021
I'm only two episodes in, but I'm surprised at all the negative reviews here. The original Gossip Girl is absolutely iconic and one of the most influential teen shows of all time. No reboot can ever top that.

BUT, I actually thought this modern take on it was really good. You can see parts of the original characters spread across all the new characters, while they're also doing something new. The way they also solved the identity of Gossip Girl is completely new and I actually really liked it. I wouldn't want a new round of «who's gossip girl??» every season, we all know how that turned out last time...

You can also tell that there is a certain quality level with the HBO stamp on it, which it needed to be anywhere near as good as the OG Gossip Girl. They kept a very similar tone and visual style as the original, but I would say the original was wittier and did rely more on dark comedy. So that's maybe one thing I would like to see more of. Blair for example was really funny, and I'm not seing that part in this reboot.

Watch is as its own show and don't compare it to the original, and you might enjoy it. I'm 31 and I swore to never start a teen show again (because I should be watching adult stuff and I get so addicted), but I guess I fell off the wagon with this one.
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