American Crime Story: Stand by Your Man (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
Like it, but a bit Hollywood BS.
28 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love the show, I love everything, story is good, but this is clear attempt to make Hillary look like a victum and a survivor, which she is not, she stayed with him because of POWER. She is the mastermind of everything.

Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones and other women who are actual survivors from this predator are in the dark here. Making her a survivor is a disgrace, if she was one, she should have left him years ago, but she is a power digger.

Hillary helped cover everything up.

Hillary is not the hero here. Respect the women who are, this isn't campaign moment for her, it's a blunt lie.

But besides that i liked this episode, looking forward to the next one.
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