Nothing special, but a chaotic ending
26 October 2021
Not worth the watch, but not terrible if you just want something on; maybe at a Halloween party where no one is really watching it closely. Torn between 4-5/10, but the production quality and the second half were alright so I bumped it up.

Beginning *way *too overacted with the dad, and the annoying kid was just insufferable to have on screen.

The premise was good, but that's about it. The story was bad, the dialogue was bad, and it felt unfocused. The way the robbers acted was so *outlandish* and didn't track at all: Picked a lock fast? Better take a sex break in another room, who needs to rush?

By the middle of the movie it would have made more sense if they were all college kids who happened to be crashing a house party or something. Ignoring that part, it became a fine horror movie at the middle mark, but it was nothing special and I can't recommend it.

The "twist" was lame and predicable, but the end 30m had a few chaotic demon scenes that were fun to watch. The weird occult-nerd neighbor actually was pretty funny once they started using him too.
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