Not a movie, not a feature, not worth your time.
26 October 2021
Not a movie, not a feature, not worth your time.

For you nine year olds out there, here lies 2 hours of trashy "fight girl" promo shots that have been stitched into ... what? A movie? What's clear from this mess is the narrowly-focused entrepreneur Kelcey Coe (whose name appears about 20 times during the 40-minute credit roll) has taken his collection of cheaply captured Emo role-play fantasy footage and regurgitated it into as many mediums as possible to make a buck. Magazines, websites, videos, apparel, and yes, this thing.

If watching a long series of amateur teen girls mug at the camera while holding chains and dripping fake blood sounds like something you'd like to see, drink your fill. Just know it's hard not to make that sound titillating ... it's not. There's no acting, no story, no direction, no premise, and no purpose. It's an unhealthy look into Coe's personal fantasy world, which also hosts his alternate persona Russell Brown, the world's deadliest assassin.
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