Is the European police like this in real life?
23 October 2021
I've tried some European TV shows lately, one from Iceland and now this. Both portrayed the police this way, not giving half a f-- when something strange happened right in front of their eyes. I really am starting to think this is a factual portrayal. Of course, it could be because the writers, producers and directors are all idiots. I mean, mentioning the police was just an entry point. The fact is, most characters in both shows act and react illogically to the situations around them. They act and react according to where the writers want the story to go to, without giving a sh-- about whether it's natural or not. And the producers and directors agreed to it.

Some examples, without giving any spoiler for people who want to give this a chance: 1. You go to a place to find some kind of explanation to an incident happening to you earlier. Keep in mind that this is your intention, finding explanation. When you find exactly what you're looking for, that's what you do to it?

2. I've been thirsty before, badly dehydrated from exercise and/or work, but I don't spill my soda all over my chin and clothes. Not to mention, if I stole said soda, I would've been patient enough to not drink it right there and then at the crime scene. I would've tried to get the hell away from there as fast as I can.

3. And the police. Don't even get me started on the police.

It's too bad because this show has potential. The premise is good, the dialogues are okay, the actors perform well, the production value is good. The bad writing ruined everything.
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