Black Mirror: Hang the DJ (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
Future of dating
19 October 2021
The old-fashioned dating, flirting, and relationships that eat up a lot of our time and nerves, and too often end in unhappy marriages, quarrels, adultery, and divorces, in this "Black Mirror" episode are a thing of the past. Here, people are placed in pairing software.

The system pairs you a seemingly random number of times with seemingly randomly selected people, for a time that varies from a few minutes to a few years per "relationship". You cannot refuse an assigned partner, nor end a relationship before the time allotted by the system has expired, but what you will do in that relationship is up to you. The system monitors and records all events and your reactions to all situations you go through, and when the data collected about you matches the information of one of the other participants, the system pairs you in a perfect pair, with a success rate of 99.8%.

But what if the system sentences you to years with a person you can't stand or you fall madly in love with a person assigned to you only for a short time ... Does everything you go through happen for a good reason or is the system not as perfect as it claims to be ...

"Hang the DJ" is another futuristic episode of the "Black Mirror" series, which deals with the positive aspects of modern technologies and the negative consequences of over-reliance on them. As usual, it takes some modern trends as a basis and takes them to the extreme. Whether today's dating applications will grow into the system brought to us by this "Black Mirror" episode remains to be seen, but we can certainly recognize ourselves in some aspects of this story today.

One of the most interesting premises so far, a well-written story, great tempo, and actors who perfectly evoke their characters, with a very charismatic leading couple, and a totally unexpected final twist, make "Hang the DJ" one of the best episodes of the "Black Mirror" series, and my personal favorite.

And no, I'm not going to tell you what the name of the episode has to do with a story like this. For that, you will have to see it through. WTF reaction is guaranteed.

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