Carnival of Monsters: Episode Four
18 October 2021
Once the third Doctor staggers out of the miniscope and grows in size. He complete control and gives the tribunal members of Inter Minor a dressing down.

There is fun as Vorg mistakes the Doctor as another showman. I also chuckled that just as the Doctor has trouble controlling the Tardis. Vorg really does not know how the miniscope works. He won it while gambling.

As the Doctor returns to the miniscope to rescue Jo and the others.

It becomes clear that Kalik's plan is just pants. It is a weak point of the story. The Drashigs also escape the miniscope and Kalik is killed. He had no escape plan and it is left to Vorg to come to the rescue.

The plus points of Carnival of Monsters was how Robert Holmes created another duo in Vorg and Shirna. How the miniscope world was created. It was colourfully done.

The officious members of Inter Minor were a let down.
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