Watchable and engaging.
16 October 2021
Not a big budget production but OK never-the-less.

Evil Takes Root sees a paranormal investigator get involved in a complicated investigation of witchcraft and demonology. It has its moments and is certainly worth a watch.

The more movies I watch the more I appreciate how critical a competent and adventurous cinematographer is. Roy Rossovich is up to the job in every sense. There is an excellent low aeriel shot which encompasses all things wiccan which is typical of his style.

There is an occasional silliness to the plot but director and co-writer Chris W. Freeman keeps a firm hand on things and generally there is a logical coherence to events with in the terms of the film itself.

The cast are solid. Nicholas Gonzalez is Felix Fojas, a failed seminarian and paranormal investigator. He and John Churchill as Sheriff Roy Garland enjoy a lot of screen time, and both are plausible and develop an engaging depth to their characters.

There are several sub-plots involving dead wives and their various relationships whilst alive and their effect on relationships of those left behind. They kick the storyline along.

There are nuns, priests and ministers a plenty. There is even an Amish like presence! You could spend time working out which denomination who belongs to or you could just accept their presence as a counter to demonic forces. It's to the credit of everyone involved that the religious aren't mocked. There is a nun who uses unusual teaching methods, but she serves to advance the plot, not represent current teaching practices in Catholic schools.

Don't be mislead, this is a horror movie not one of those covert Christian movies. I have no problem with Christian movies, The Shack is a great film, as long as they declare themselves as such.

Special effects in Evil Takes Root are 'old school' but effective.

The climax is only a little lacklustre but it does work and there is a hint in the concluding seconds that a sequel could be considered.

Overall, a watchable and worthwhile 91 minutes.
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