Review of Dad's Army

Dad's Army (2016)
If like me, you have a fond memory of Dad's Army, but haven't seen the endless re-runs for at least the last 20 years, you may just love this.
14 October 2021
I liked this film. So who is it aimed at? Well, if you're a die-hard Dad's Army fan, I suspect there will be far too many reasons not to like this film. Lots of inconsistencies with the original characterisation, writing, format and style. Let's face it, the original casting and writing was iconic... You won't repeat or beat that. If you are a Dad's Army virgin, I find it hard to imagine you will get this film, unless you are totally fascinated by British culture in WW2. However, If like me, you have a fond memory of Dad's Army, but haven't seen the endless re-runs for at least the last 20 years, you may just love this. I did. It might help if u also like "Eye Of The Needle" (which overlaps the same real-life plot elements) and the film "Enigma" (etc), which I do. So, it's plot is derivative, and the visual style is totally cliché cinematic Teal and Orange (and out the other side) with narrow depth of field, but this is supposed to have a vintage comedy feel, so I let that go. What you get is a totally stellar cast, who really are channelling the original cast. Which is impressive as many of these guys are much more famous than some of the original cast. But the new cast know the originals where maybe not all famous but were all totally right for the part. The originals were all perfectly cast, defined the roles, even if they never to exceeded them in their careers. This is a marvellous and respectful comedy with some real comic moments, that will never exceed the original, buit I thinks it does work for those of us with warm childhood memories of the original series. And then there is the spot the original cast cameo moments... So lovely I can't understand the low rating and can only presume its because people revere the original version.
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