Review of 1BR

1BR (2019)
This made me angry! But that's sort of the point.
14 October 2021
I was pleasantly surprised by this story of imprisonment with semi-political subtext.

Asides from the usage of the word "creepy" it didn't really do the little things that annoy me in horror/thrillers but even then they sort of justified it.

I can't tell you I loved this movie but refreshingly it's more of a case that they made it too well! Be warned how the characters in this will tick you off. It brings to mind the quote by Crystal Eastman "so much oppression takes the form of protection".

I think I kept watching just because I wanted a pay off to all the bullying by people who think they're in the right morally.

A lot of this just feels like torture porn and not in a great way. But that's kind of balanced out by the aforementioned features and it serves a function to help you follow the protagonists emotional journey. She was a bland and fairly passive protagonist (sort of the point really) but it's not really about her, it's about the situation.

More anger educing than scary, without going into spoilers, this did not end, repeat NOT end in a way that left me feeling insulted or taken for a ride. There's several respectable surprises along the way too.

My final remark is that this is above average and I hope there are people who will appreciate this in they way I couldn't quite.
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