The Uncanny (1977)
Very fun cat-based antics
13 October 2021
Here is a horror film aimed at the demographic of cat lovers. Its an old school British horror anthology movie, where every tale've guessed it...cats! The wraparound story has Peter Cushing try to pitch his book to a publisher - a non-fiction work which details numerous examples of cats being responsible for human deaths through the ages, with the overall conclusion that cats are the manifestation of evil itself. Naturally, the stories from Peter's book make up the narrative here. But Pete seems to have overlooked a glaring detail somehow - in every tale the pussy cats only take vengeance on humans who have seriously wronged them and other sympathetic cat friendly folks, so with that in mind, they're hardly the personification of evil for evil's sake. You may think I'm splitting cat hairs with this one but at the end of the day this is sort of the whole point of the entire story and Pete clearly hasn't even done his basic research. So, you'll be cheering on the felines all the way in this one! There's stories involving murderous thieves, bullies and wife killers, all of whom meet their thoroughly deserved comeuppance by way of our furry friends. It's good fun in that 70's horror anthology sort of way, meaning that even if the material is not necessarily stellar, the format ensures it is never boring and it has the sort of reliable ensemble cast typical of these sort of things.
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