Impressive Debut and (finally) an Original Story
13 October 2021
We saw the movie at the premiere and loved it! For once an original story which is not a mediocre Marvel or sorry Star Wars or bland Bond. On limited resources an impressive period piece and debut for Mark JT Griffin. The film gained a standing ovation at the premiere where we watched it and its obvious the director's passion in the subject. Lawrence is shown as damaged hero by Tom Barber Duffy. Steve Rollins excellent as Tyrell and Mark Vernon Freestone great at Catchpole. The named actors Brian Cox, Nicole Ansari Cox, Hugh Fraser and Michael Maloney are used in single scenes. Nicole Ansari Cox stands out as Sarah Lawrence Lawrence's vicious and overbearing mother. Fraser shines as Allenby. Maloney superb as Brough. The film was shot on location around Dorset in locations Lawrence would have known such as his house and the cast and crew were mainly Dorset based. Production standards included a Brough Superior's (2), Gypsy Moth, Tiger Moth and an Arabian falcon are used to great effect. A strong debut and intense story.
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