Gold Rush (2010– )
Review after 2 seasons
8 October 2021
I found season 1 interesting then it became more obvious it's aim was to become reality tv over documentary style. Which is fine, but too much utter rubbish happened, saying there's 8 in the USA then they stumble on the exact part down the road, I get it's mining country but come on.

The narrator is an imbecile, every day every slight issue will ruin their whole season, destroy the machine or something overly dramatic, fixation on saying there's 1000km distance between mines, it just added nothing and really just made it a bit cringe.

But the biggest problem so far is Todd, I hate to use this word, but the guy is utterly retarded, he has a team of pretty normal, intelligent good guys with real good skills, he can't lead, doesn't listen and has the weirdest conversations ever, I get he owns part of the show and he's made money but the guy is so dumb it's unreal and I can't understand how in the real world anyone would follow this weirdo.

He shouted at Dave about getting dirt, when Dave explained it was frozen Todd just got angry like it's Dave's fault , I didn't like Dorsey but in episode one where the winch snapped and he said someone could've died, Todd shouted at him , honestly the guy is so dumb, he says I believe.... Followed by ridiculous statements based on nothing, saying there 500 ounces here, or when the golds in front of him saying there's 12 ounces when they've counted 6 and there's literally flakes left! His dads just as thick and dangerous encouraging him, I get the dads old but his disregard for safety is ludicrous.

Last bit on Todd , I know he loads, which is the easiest job, how does he not understand he's in charge and it's his dig makes no decisions, blames everyone else, does literally the least work and moans at everyone else! I literally hate him, he's so lazy, so incredibly dumb, the other guys, if they had a good leader they'd have been loaded at both mines! Yet the follow this colossal tit.

Lastly in between series when they say they're skint they somehow get operations or new machines, it kinda ruins the narrative that they're desperate like they keep saying. They say they are going home with no profit etc, yet come back? Poorly written.
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