Ridley Road (2021)
'Carry On Colin'......Only needs Sid,Ken and Babs...
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Ridley Road" gives far too much importance to Colin Jordan and a couple of hundred fascist thugs,who,for a short while, brawled,shouted and sneered through Dalston Market in the early 1960s.

It might make an interesting 30 minute documentary - but that's about it.

Mosley's brief attempt at a comeback was also stifled by the very people he so disdained.

I saw him and his son Max rescued by Special Branch coppers and thrown into a coach full of Old Bill to get them away from a vengeful crowd,many of whom were holding their arms up and pointing at their death camp tattoos.

That was effectively the end of serious attempts to revive fascism in this country.

Jordan,the National Front and the British National Party were merely swivel - eyed sideshows who will no doubt now be gratified to be given so much airtime,the very oxygen of any political movement no matter,however marginalised.

But I assume this new BBC serial is well - intentioned - just rather inept and underwhelming.

Does it want to be 'Call the Midwife with its soporific rose - coloured nostalgia and paternal attitudes or something rather more gritty and edgy?

Full of 'Swinging Sixties' cliches,taxis,Red Buses,Trafalgar Square etc etc long before the sixties was sanctified and merely an extension of the distinctly unswinging fifties.

A cast of Cockney and Manc stereotypes camp about madly to no good effect unfortunately.

I laughed a lot when I shouldn't have.

And that's never a good sign for a programme that's wishing to be taken seriously.

Standard Ealing Studios circa 1950 Jewish Family schtick,a fair bit of scenery chewing and not particularly sympathetic leads - not a recipe for a huge success I'm afraid.

Which is a pity because recent events have shown Anti - Semitism still flourishes throughout he political spectrum.
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