Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
Season 5, Episode 14
Best 48 minutes of anything ever put on film
7 October 2021
If you've watched Breaking Bad all the way through then you already know how good this episode is. All of Walt's mistakes cause utter chaos in the most intense way imaginable. I have never been more glued to a TV than when I watched this episode. Breaking Bad overall is the best series I've ever watched. It deserves all the praise it's gotten. I'm easily distracted and have to rewind scenes from shows quite a bit because I space out and stop paying attention, but with Breaking Bad, especially this episode, there was not a single second where it didn't have my full undivided attention. The showdown and the aftermath in this episode leave you with a knot in your stomach in the best way possible. If you haven't watched this show yet, don't waste any more time not seeing it.
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