Freak Orlando (1981)
Two ways to recieve the movie
7 October 2021
When I saw this movie the 1st time at the age of 14(?) in german TV, I was something in between bored and fascinated. The left impact was so subtle that I seemingly forgot about the movie for decades. After now almost 30 years I suddenly started to hunt the images in an almost obsessed way. But how was it called? Was it "Wizard of OZ"? I had to dig deep in my "sub concious" to reconstruct the title of that movie begging to find it and succeeded after hours until the title "re-apreared" in my memories: Freak Orlando! Where can those original movies be found in theses days? This time I saw the movie with different eyes. Like a rediscoverd yewel which it is. I even bought Ulrike Ottingers corresponding Book to try and understand the thought process of her. This movie, though being part of a thematic trilogy stands for it's own I think and there are at least 2 ways one can recieve that film. The one is to try and grasp an intellectual dimension with all the philosophical and above all mythological aspects. The other one, which I even prefer, is to just falling into trance, allowing oneself to regress to a mythological level! This is where the magic unfolds the real potential. Thank you Ulrike Ottinger for such a great gift!
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