Good suspense, bad ending
7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This review is for people who either have seen the movie or don't care to and want the gist.

A formerly depressed protagonist has just lost her husband to suicide. She continues to live in their shared home and witnesses paranormal activity (or maybe it's just a dream, who knows). She has a very dreary view on life and death because she once clinically died for four minutes and felt "nothing" which depressed her terribly. She believes her depression made her husband depressed and caused his suicide. Later she determines he has lead a secret life sleeping with women who look like her, in a house he built to look like the reverse of their's. Weird. Then later still, she determines he has murdered those women. In a fit of despair she begs the ghost she believes to be her husband to come to her and comfort her in her time of need (one would imagine this is the last thing anyone would actually want... He was murdering women who looked like the protagonist after all... So yeah, that's different). The ghost actually turns out to be a demonic entity which was the "nothing" that the protagonist faced when she clinically died. It is massively butthurt that she survived, even though it's apparently been years or something since the accident. It decides to possess the protagonist's husband in a bid to get her killed so that the Nothing can reclaim her. The husband tricks the Nothing by killing women that look like his wife in the reverse house. Apparently the Nothing is stupid and couldn't tell the difference between houses or women, even after like twenty women are killed. Eventually the husband kills himself to protect his wife... But the Nothing gains control over her anyways and convinces her to almost kill herself.

Think for a moment: The Nothing manages to possess her, beat her to an inch of her life and, not force her, but almost convince her to kill herself.

So the Nothing literally didn't need the husband AT ALL.

The actress was great and the suspense was good, until the story became terribly flawed and stupid. I would've preferred she discovered his double life was really weird and creepy and leave it at that. I honestly thought she was going to find the house with corpses and one victim left alive, and that the house would be booby trapped, or like some intricate maze, filled with puzzles, where she has to rescue the last victim. But no, we got this. As soon as ghosts entered the equation I knew it was downhill from therein. It only gets five stars for the actress and the funky "The Haunting" (1999) style distorting house effects, which is always fun to look at.
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