Review of For Blood

The Walking Dead: For Blood (2021)
Season 11, Episode 8
hot air
6 October 2021
This show went from something that was great over to a bunch of people looking for food all the time and walking through woods. They have meetings and talk about what ? 'We need food'. Bla bla. They should all be super fat.

What an empty vehicle that show has become. Beyond comprehension. Why is anyone doing what they do ? I really don't get it. Listening to Kang afterwards makes me constantly angry. When she explains all her little ideas. What she talks about should be maybe 10% of the actual content. Some things are nice ideas, but it's not a flagship. How can anyone at AMC keep going like that ?

You seriously established Leah as a character, suggesting us to care about, because she had one episode with Daryl 50 years ago, which was already back then pure nonsense. It was trying out if people would like to see Daryl encountering someone and have a romantic thing.

And now you take that and set it up as one of the main themes of the shows final ? Are you okay ?!


So it's food, unimportant characters, woods, no plot and rain.

That's it. What could we write now ? Oh yeah, I know. You know what would be super cool ? If it rains O.o

People looking for burgers and rain.

Thanks AMC and Kang. You should all reconsider your careers.
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