Review of V/H/S/94

V/H/S/94 (2021)
Timo did his best
6 October 2021
But still couldn't save this awful film.

I will start by saying that I'm not a massive fan of the series, some segments are good, like safe haven for example, others not so much.

This latest entry is the worst of the lot, quite possibly the worst film I've seen this year.

My expectations tanked within the first 5 minutes, when we have the worst police tactical unit exploring a building with the same awareness as a bunch of drunks looking for the last bar at 4am and it only goes downhill. Surely the swat extras from fbi or law and order are not to busy to come and help out?

The 2nd or 3rd segment, the experiment, done by Timo at least had some quality about it, decent acting, solid idea with good execution (recently done better in an episode of invincible though).

Some cool gore throughout but overall, this felt like a local, not very good drama club production, throwing some rough concept ideas together for an investor.
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