Malignant (I) (2021)
Enjoyable, but forgettable.
6 October 2021
Malignant is the new film by indie turned mainstream director James Wan, who's come a long way from making a proof of concept of Saw for $2,000. There's a lot of directors who definitely feel like they give up once they make millions of dollars, so I give James Wan credit for at least still trying.

Malignant is about a woman named Madison, an woman whose nightmares about murders suddenly begin to become reality after her abusive husband smashes her head against a wall. Throughout the movie, we get glimpses of the killer and learn more of the strange relationship between the two.

Malignant plays out like a thousand other horror movies and decent twilight zone episodes. You got your vulnerable protagonist who can see the impending doom, but of course, no one believes her. It's not a groundbreaking trope, but it's not bad by any means. Malignant for the first two acts sticks to a formula that you're definitely familiar with if you've even seen a few horror parodies before, but it's still enjoyable. You see the murders coming and you more or less know exactly how they'll get murdered too, but it's still entertaining to see evil doctors get killed in really cool lit sets.

Towards the third act, Malignant takes a drastic shift. It reveals it's huge twist and becomes more of a bad action movie. I won't give away the twist, but the more you think about it, the less it makes sense. It's almost too ridiculous to find scary at that point, but does keep the disturbing element the film goes for.

All in all, I got my money's worth, but I'll probably never think about it again.
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