Review of Love

Love (II) (2015)
Not as artsy or good as it thinks it is
6 October 2021
I genuinely want my two hours back.

Love is a newish film by Gaspar Noe. It's a romantic tragedy that's less Romeo and Juliet and more Chasing Amy if it was written by someone who's had a lot of bad sex recently. But since it's a Gaspar Noe film, his fans will come flocking to it and probably consider a masterpiece without even seeing it because it's got actors having sex in it.

For the record, don't think me some button-up karen who scorns at a film for showing people having sex. I am absolutely fine with live actors having sex in a film but that does not necessarily make it more artsy or groundbreaking. Love takes itself incredibly seriously despite having very little to offer. It's sex scenes feel redundant as we watch the same three boring characters having sex in different situations. Unfortunately there's not one character in this film that's relatable or likable unless you can relate to being knocking up a french girl on a study abroad program and can only think about how it's somehow that girl's fault.

I would say this movie is 50% sex scenes and 50% medium close up shots. 40 minutes into the movie I was thinking "Wow, this guy really loves his medium close ups" in fact maybe Gaspar loves them a little TOO much and he shoots pretty much every scene in the exact same frame that makes every show feel like the same.

I think Gaspar Noe is a talented filmmaker but ultimately think this is a pretentious annoying project.
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