Malignant (I) (2021)
Turns from Serious to Corny Halfway Through
4 October 2021
If you go into this movie knowing it's going to devolve into silliness you might like it.

I don't really understand what this movie was trying to be tonewise, but it's mediocre on all points. It's not bad, it's unmemorable to the extent I can't even consider it "so bad it's good" because it wasn't "passable" good or deliciously bad.

The 1st half spent so much time trying to set up a serious tone only for it to be completely abandoned in the 2nd half for absurd scenes & dialogue.

Also the "clues" about the plot development were obvious so I was able to point out what was going to happen in the storyline well before it did to my boyfriend. (I don't mind "getting it" two steps ahead but when I figure the mystery out 30 mins before something is revealed that's way too boring of a development)

I'm not sure why a 70's blacksploitation woman was in the cell with...women who were dressed in modern day clothes? Like that didn't make any sense at all lol, was she abducted from the 70's? Does she do exploitation film re-enactments at the local community theatre? Seriously, why is she the only blast from the past in this cell?

I'm not sure what that really long drawn out chase scene was for when the person being chased wasn't caught at the end of it or lead to anything important. So we could see the stunt double flip over obstacles, I guess?

And the final big fight scene was just like....okay so the bad guy knows pro martial arts now? Lol, alright then. (Especially considering the storyline, uh, when did the baddie have time to learn all this?)

The only thing I can say about this movie is it was really....okay. Corny but not scary.

I would say it was at least funny if the 1st half didn't try so damn hard to come off as a serious movie.
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