So near yet so far
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film had the potential to be excellent, despite it's inaccurate take on certain historical events. The studio spared no expense in every department bar one. The film looks stunning, it's beautifully shot and the scenes high up in the mountains force the viewer to feel like they're sat in -40 temperatures. The sound is amazing too. Every hum of an airplane engine, every clank of an automatic rifle, even the wind creates and sets the perfect atmosphere. The Chinese cast is also on par with the movie's scenery and soundtrack. Some great performances and cameos, especially from Hanyu Zhang as a stone-cold sour faced general. One is then left to wonder, why on Earth the studio shoe horned in sub-par writing and wooden actors for the American military scenes. Had it been one or two scenes of English dialogue, the movie could get away with it. However, the director continually insists on giving us scene after scene of "Americans" delivering bland and emotionless dialogue spouted by actors that barely seem worthy to play roles in kindergarten plays. It upsets the pace of the film entirely. We go from sustained excellence to being interrupted by pointless interludes of American soldiers producing dialogue a ten year old could write better: "Did they fall out of the God damn sky?" one American officer protests as he flails his arms up and down like he's attempting to fly. General Mccarthur is also an issue, his entrance on screen is akin to Darth Vader bordering Princess Leia's ship, he too splurges emotionless void dialogue in his press conference which the director devotes several minutes too. This very much tells us, here's your bad guy; this is your nasty naughty American general who wants nothing more than to blow you all to smithereens. So what happens after he finishes his poorly written speech to the press and troops? He disappears from the entire film. Bare in mind, this picture is three hours. We all could have saved some time if these pointless American scenes weren't even in it. The actors make the whole thing feel like some college kids made this as a history project. The end result is, what should be a stunning film about a chilling and brutal battle, still the only occasion in which Chinese and American troops have directly engaged with each other, ends up annoying the viewer and makes the film go on for much longer than it needs to.
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