30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode is mystifying. It seems to be trying to be the next "Broadchurch" but there is a distinct lack of drama. The relationship between the characters is impossible to work out, even by the end of part 1, I couldn't work out which family was which or whether they were all some sort of strange cult, especially since the headmistress visits the missing boy's father and immediately jumps into bed with him. Throughout there is overly loud and discordant incidental music, presumably attempting to raise the drama level, however it only serves to make it difficult to hear what the actors are saying. The acting is weak, even from the usually good Anna Maxwell Martin. Rachel Stirling seems to be playing her character as if she is a reject from "The Stepford Wives". The mother of the missing boy doesn't seem at all upset by the fact she hasn't seen her 10 year old son for many hours and hasn't bothered to contact the police. There seems to be no urgency to find the missing boy.
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