The Navigator (1924)
Marvelous comedy holds up a century later
29 September 2021
Buster Keaton's films are reliably, consistently entertaining, and 'The Navigator' is no exception. There's a considerable amount of plot in this adventure-tinged feature, and a fair bit of exposition before the comedy begins in earnest. Once it does, though, we get plenty of situational humor - in no small part a comedy of errors, filled as well with physical comedy and sight gags.

The movie is largely a showcase for Keaton and co-star Kathryn McGuire, as much of the runtime is dominated by these two actors alone. McGuire very capably keeps up with Keaton in all necessary expression and body language, and the lively energy the picture demands, and it's a joy to watch them both. Meanwhile, it's a blast just to read a little of the production history - with a whole ship at his command Keaton was able to do just about anything he wanted, and the result is undeniably a good time. That filming apparently went over budget with the underwater scenes - well, that's just an extra boon for the audience.

It's worth noting that the writing in late scenes employ some regrettable tropes, stereotypes arguably bordering on racism. Yet even as we need to acknowledge that caveat, the screenplay is wonderful, and all the while Keaton is clearly very practiced at arranging outstanding shots and scenes as director. I appreciate the costume design and broad attention to detail in every passing moment, with every last aspect building into the humor of the feature. What marginal imperfections there may be in the movie are overwhelmed and all but negated by the otherwise fabulous craft.

Even with a small asterisk, this is a fantastic, greatly enjoyable movie. Buster Keaton's films handily stand the test of time. Nearly 100 years later, they remain just as essential for a wide audience. 'The Navigator' absolutely joins that company with excellent humor complemented by expert film-making and storytelling. There's no more to be said - this comes with the highest recommendation, and is well worth watching wherever one is able.
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