Typical Predictable Ending
28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't going to write a review but the awful ending forced me into it. Mildly entertaining yet somewhat predictable. No majors shocks and surprises but it kept you guessing a little. Warning, lots of spoilers...

Now the ending, that's another story. It followed the famous "stupid climax ending" template which is something like this: Protagonist gets tied up. Unlike the other victims who were instantly killed, antagonist does not kill protagonist, but instead gives very long soliloquy about her motives. Protagonist's aid, in this case her mother, comes to help. Where were the cops who were just with her? Make sure you don't look around as you rescue your daughter. And the daughter, make sure you don't tell mom, "Look out, there's an antagonist behind you!" Make sure the knife sequence is really stupid. Make sure when hit over the head with a vase, it does very little harm. And especially make sure that for the two seconds she's down, you run away instead of knocking her out and tying her up.

And please, have the cops come in and shoot her. She's a multiple murderer for crying out loud.
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