Mildly Interesting At The Start
25 September 2021
This is not an autobiography about a Victor Jara. We get to hear a little bit about his life and music a the start, but then it just deteriorates into a propaganda hit piece against the CIA and the United States. Of course there's going to be no justice for his murder. He was just one of thousands of people killed around the country. There's some clips of Chilean conscripts in their older years blatantly lying about their roles, saying they were just following orders. One actually had the nerve to say he suffered! No remorse for his torture victums just oh poor me I had to do it. There's not enough information to make a documentary here, just like the other waste these brotheres did on that Crossroads piece about some obscure jazz musician. They do make compelling documentaries on occasion. The Miami Showband one was exceptional. The Johnny Cash one was very good. The Jam Master Jay one was even decent. It's worth a watch if you're interested in oppressive Latin American regimes and coups. Barrientos did it. There's really no mystery here. As soon as he said he didn't know who Victor was we knew he was full as a dirty diaper. Sure, he didn't know who the most famous musician in the country was. Come on, really. It's okay for what it is, but advertise it for what it is! False representation annoys me more than a poorly made film. This ends up going in circles and accomplishes very little and ends on a resoundingly unsatisfying note. His music was quite simple but for some reason revolutionary in his country of Chile. Nice voice and average guitar player I suppose. If he lived he would have likely ended up singing on some kid's show like Mr. Rogers. Very uncompelling effort. A bunch of former soldiers lying does not add up to a memorable viewing experience. I felt the same way about Bob Marley special too. All the Peace & Love nonsense amounted to nothing, as it usually does.
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