Review of Tar

Tar (2020)
Not "Tar"... "Turd".
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, our movie opens with a single, solitary member of a road construction crew in the Greater Los Angeles area, at night. There is virtually no one else around... on a road construction crew... in Los Angeles... at night. No co-workers. No pedestrians passing by. No cars. No nightlife whatsoever, in Los Angeles. Yep. Unh hunh.

This lone construction worker opens a hole, a pit... working by himself... at night... with potentially dangerous equipment... violating God only knows how many OSHA regulations... with virtually no one else around. He stands there, and looks into the pit, and then around for someone... anyone... else. But, he's alone, at night, in Los Angeles. He hears ominous growling. Does he move away from the dangerous noise?

No. He looks around, and seeing that there is virtually no one else around to help him if the excrement hits the fan, he hunters down closer to the edge of the pit to see what it is that's growling ominously at him. As he squats down and peers into the abysmal darkness of the pit, the ominously growling creature kills him.

I stopped watching after that.
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