What Remains (2013)
This series is short but has more twists than a den of snakes!
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started to watch this and actually had to take a break until the next day. How could such a small group of people living in flats be so depraved and lacking in morality?

Start with a dripping ceiling which causes new tenants looking for the source to find a dessicated body in the attic. Next, add a retiring detective whom is given a last easy assignment on his last day but feels like things are not adding up. When he can't leave things alone and decides that the woman deserves a proper investigation we learn about all the flat owners who, except for one, have few redeeming qualities. It just gets more and more depraved and disturbing.

If you are looking to pass the time with a light mystery this is not it; 'What Remains' will grab you by the guts and shake you. You might not sleep well, you will be unsettled, repulsed but I think you will be enthralled.
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