Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Unorthodox (2008)
Season 9, Episode 13
Against the usual
23 September 2021
Calling "Unorthodox" unorthodox is an understatement. Calling Novak's behaviour and how she conducts herself in prosecuting the case is an even bigger understatement. This is definitely an episode that will polarise fans, and has already done. Thought provoking and powerful for some, too try too hard and frustrating for others. Especially anybody that usually likes the character that behaves in a way that nearly makes anybody go off them.

My opinion on "Unorthodox" contains a bit of both extremes. There is a lot to be impressed by and how it handles some tough issues here is admirable, truly admirable. It doesn't completely come off though, and it definitely could have done with more focus and a less is more approach in the storytelling, as well as more tact in one area. "Unorthodox" is a good episode from Season 9 and of 'Special Victims Unit', but is not a great one.

"Unorthodox" is truly impressive in many ways. The production values are slick and professional, not ever resorting to cheap or untested gimmicks or anything, and liked that the photography was intimate without it being claustrophobic. The music is haunting in the right places and isn't constant or too loud. The direction is strong. The acting is very good from all the regulars, while Novak has been better written in other episodes before and since Diane Neal always plays her with a lot of zeal and determination. The character of Jack is very interesting and part of the intrigue of the episode is not being sure about him and what he does.

The writing is thought provoking and intelligent, not feeling too talky. As well as Jack, what was also interesting about "Unorthodox" was the dilemma as to whether the perpetrator should be tried in family court or as an adult (a familiar argument with 'Special Victims Unit' but always fascinates). Both sides are understandable here, which is what is great about the franchise at its best as while there are too many episodes that see an issue from too much of one point of view many others are great at presenting more than one side and where all are plausible. The story is mostly compelling and it was an absolute delight seeing more of Munch, and in the spotlight this time after being too underused for too long.

For all those good things, there are shortcomings too. "Unorthodox" does suffer from trying to do too much in the story and consequently gets on the over-complicated and over-crowded side, especially later on. Another episode that could have done with a less is more approach. The cultural aspects are not authentic and also not always sensitive, especially the truly sloppy dialects.

On paper, the defense did sound interesting, but the episode missed an opportunity to have Huang showing his perspective on the perpetrator. With him the argument would have rung true more and would have made a difference to the case's outcome. The ending feels unsatisfying, both in the anger-inducing verdict and how rushed it felt. Was very mixed on Novak here, she is a very strong presence and knows her stuff. Yet her attitude towards the case and what to indict him on contradicted that in "Impulsive", where she went out of her way in getting that episode's perpetrator a lighter sentence despite his crime and his attitude being a lot worse.

In summary, well executed in many areas but room for improvement. 7/10.
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