Star Wars: Visions: The Elder (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
I wish I could give it a zero
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How did this get past Pre-production. This episode is a mess and treats me as the viewer as an idiot. Most of the episode is dialog that drones on and on for no reason other than to tell me, the viewer, useless facts that are not important to the episode. I don't believe that I could count on my fingers the amount of time the Padawan character says "I WIsH there Was MoRe AcTion on ThE OuTEr Reach". Like I get it something is going to happen that is important to the develop the plot of the film, but there could be 1 million better ways to transition into the old man character that is introduced to us later in the episode. When we do meet the old man character I was excited to see a shift from stale dialog into the realm of anime style fighting! I was... disappointed. When the old man had two dagger like lightsabers I was beyond stoked to see where the creator's intent with the fight scene was. What I received was the old man wishing for the glory days of his youth and very underwhelming fight sequences that end in the Padawan not even dying. What does the Jedi character lose? How does he develop? Why do I care? Is the purpose of this episode to make me feel confused as to why it is positively reviewed? This single episode felt longer than every other episode combined because ultimately nothing happens. Nothing changes in terms of character development. The master doesn't change his relationship with his Padawan at all. The Master Jedi character's only function is to say I have a bad feeling about this, and talking about the past. It is embarrassing that this episode was allowed to be aired on Disney+. I will say the redeeming quality of this animation was the backgrounds being fantastic. Every background captured my attention because it was more exciting to think another story was happening outside of the main plot the viewer is presented. Remove this episode from the otherwise good season. The animation is clunky and hard to watch. The action that does happen is smooth, but the other twelve minutes of this film is a side shot of the Padawan looking at the kids in the village saying "man I sure am good at climbing mountains" I could have been presented this info by watching the Padawan character climb a perilous journey to the top of the mysterious planet's landscape. For those who gave this a positive review I don't understand how you can call this a story. At the end of the episode the old man blows up his ship, and turns into a pile of coal. WHY DO I CARE THAT THE SHIP BLEW UP THERE IS NOT A SINGLE STORY POINT WHERE SOMETHING ON THE SHIP IS IMPORTANT TO OUR CHARACTERS! 0/10.
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