InstaPsycho (2020)
So we just toss evidence of crimes in "solidarity?"
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Who wrote this junk? This movie is so indicative of this generation. Unable to cope and accept right from wrong...thinking everything is a game, including the lives and reputations of others. Not that this is didn't happen in previous generations, but the social media aspect really adds another layer. These social media themed movies are some of Lifetime's worst. I've only seen one where a character abandoned it altogether. The others are so addicted still that it's supposed to be a happy ending if they resume their activities but with "boundaries."

I don't think anyone including the mother grasped that actions have consequences. Didn't get to see the teacher get his reputation back. Have no idea if Kelly's victims will get justice. Kelly knows right from wrong yet doesn't care and we're supposed to feel sorry for her. The daughter and her boyfriend trespass and it's treated as a game. Mom likely didn't get her job back after her daughter's actions.

I could actually see something like this happening because kids (and adults honestly) do dumb stuff on camera all day long. But instead of this movie being a PSA or at least a warning about peer pressure and choosing your friends wisely and using good judgment, we get these brats who by the end probably haven't learned a thing.

I also agree with other reviewers. The "kids" are in their 30s or nearly there, and surely Lifetime could have found 21 year olds for these parts. Nicky Whelan wasn't as involved in the plot as expected although towards the climax she was more present.

Skip it.
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