Good parts but some tedious stretches
21 September 2021
This 2012 series is better than King Eternal Monarch but that isn't saying that much. Fans of CLOY may want to check this one out because there is a North South thing. It's cruder since it's from 2012 but you can find some humour about the differences. Politics is one of the main themes with digs at foreign powers. It can get tedious at times. The start is the better part of the series with some exciting parts and good action here and there. Quite a stellar cast with Oscar winning actress YYJ playing the queen mom. The leads Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won have chemistry because they both have more tanned complexions and South East Asian features. HJW is believable in her action scenes. Interesting secondary romance between the soldier and the princess. The villain is comical as his is bunch of international bad people.

The fault is the drag during the WOC games and the kidnapping and politics. This show should have been the standard 16 episodes. Then the boring parts could have been edited out. There is more English and other languages spoken to give it an international political drama feel.
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