Better Than I Expected
21 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the type of movie that will be made or broken by the ending. It's a real room splitter.

Perfume is a film set in 18th century France, if I remember correctly, and in it, nobody speaks French. In fact, everybody speaks english, and most of them have english accents. Pretty typical for Hollywood's portrayal of a European period piece: Just give them all English accents". It's a bit lazy, and quite annoying, but probably won't ruin the film for the average viewer.

What will possibly ruin the film for the average viewer is the concept itself: truly a fantasy, it follows the story of a man with a superhuman sense of smell who makes it his life's mission to capture the scent of a woman, indeffinitely.

*Now, here come the spoilers* The culmination of this man's work is the production of the perfect perfume, which basically makes him God to anyone who smells it. And, in the end, he uses this power to escape his execution and enrapture two two hundred or so onlookers. By enrapture, I mean pervade their minds with insatiable mating instincts, and... well... alright, they have a big ol' orgy in the town square. Right there. Just like that. Eeeeeeerebody's f***in' in the streets, like it's the end of the world.

Now, for my partner, who decided we should watch this movie together, the orgy ending almost ruined it for her. But for me? Ohhhhh, baby. Made the whole film worth it. Up until that point, I found the film to be very strange and painfully regular at the same time. But, I mean, to have it all lead up to a massive orgy in the second act climax? I simply have to applaud the balls. I never would have expected something like that from a Dreamworks picture, and I was smiling from ear to ear, like the contrarian little sh*t that I am, knowing that people would be walking out of the theatre at this point.

In summation, this is a relatively standard Hollywood period piece in terms of the pacing, the cinematography, and the general feel of it, but with a weird twist that Dreamworks doesn't often attempt. It's very much worth watching, although you probably won't walk away with any knew thoughts or feelings other than "I can't believe they had an orgy at the end. That's crazy."
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