Mrs. Miracle (2009 TV Movie)
Not quite a miracle, but nonetheless a charmer
21 September 2021
Saw 'Mrs Miracle' as a big fan of Christmas, one of the few times of the year always looked forward to and with some of my fondest memories being from this period. Christmas films have varied wildly over the years, but when they are good they are great. When they misfire, they are mediocre at best and at worst awful. Also saw it because Doris Roberts was always a very watchable actress and her comic timing was a joy in a lot of her work.

'Mrs Miracle' was pretty decent. It is not one of the best Christmas films ever made (am not going to name them as that would be unfair), then again that wasn't expected. It is also a long way from being one of the worst. It is somewhere in between overall, being a very pleasant effort with a lot that is good but also an unexceptional one where the criticisms are understandable. Having said that, as far as the recently seen Christmas films go, 'Mrs Miracle' is among the better faring ones.

Am going to begin with what doesn't come off so well. As to be expected the story is predictable, with a lot of easily telegraphed scenes and an outcome that is obvious from the outset. Some draggy pacing here and there too, especially a somewhat slow-going start.

Quite a fair bit of the dialogue does make one cringe and like some festive films it is not without its cheesy moments, some of it getting a bit much. Will agree too that while everything with the forgiveness is very sincere and well intended, considering the scenario that it centres around it didn't feel realistic. What happened is something that is pretty unforgivable in real life. Have seen a lot of too tidy and neatly resolved endings in Christmas films, Hallmark is pretty much a major serial offender of this, 'Mrs Miracle' is no exception.

However, Roberts radiates with charm and comic joy. James Van Der Beek is also charming and easy to like, in fact all the acting is well above average and they have characters that are worth caring for. The chemistry between them all is far from clinical and comes over as warm and genuine. The film looks decent, the locations are particularly striking. The music provides some affectionate nostalgia and is pleasant to listen to, while the direction avoids being too routine. The Christmas atmosphere is handled charmingly and affectionately and the romance is genuinely sweet and doesn't go overboard on the schmaltz.

Roberts' presence does lighten things up and avoids 'Mrs Miracle' from getting over-serious. Despite the predictability, it has its heart in the right place, a difficult to dislike atmosphere and while not all the messaging succeeds it is well intended and has an honesty about it, also found it relatable. There is definitely a festive spirit and there is plenty of warmth and charm here, with enough parts to warm and melt the heart. Never does it feel too juvenile or mean-spirited and the sentimentality generally doesn't become too much.

Concluding, while unexceptional it's a pleasant watch. 6/10.
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