The Horse in Motion/ Sallie Gardener at Gallop
20 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
(Major plot twist spoilers)

Being the first movie ever made, you know it's probably going to turn out to be a slow-movie movie.

Well actually it isn't. The movie fast paced, and it's straight to the point.

The movie takes place in 1878, with our main character, Domm. Domm is a horse jockey who enters a horse race with his horse being named "Sallie Gardener". When the movie begins, it's pretty much a racing movie. This is very similar to "Steel Ball Run" in that it has a very long horse racing scene.

But the real plot twist is when Sallie Gardener breaks the speed of light, and then the movie repeats itself. It starts all over again.

This movie for me has got to be a 7.1. And that's pretty good for being the first movie ever made.
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