Young Warriors, a worry
20 September 2021
One line angrily spouted from an acting great, in this enjoyable typical 80's pic, is that 'Violence Only leads to more violence'. Words were never, any more true, than in Young Warriors, a film could be a great anti vengeance movie, as pretty much this message is telegraphed through the duration. Granted YW is a well made action film, but just seems very 80's cliched now, with some predictability, the main one from a character who provides one of the sickly bloody demises YW is very violent, and the bad guys are real dredgy scum here. But the standout is Van Pattern. Whose character is a repellant, hyped up teen psycho, and oxi moron, hellbent on avenging the brutal rape and murder of his younger sister, another violent scene. I hated his character so much, I'll never be able to get the name, Kevin out of my mind. And what is Ernest Borgnine doing in this, as Kevin's very wisen Dad, who is, get this, a Detective, where angry, adrenaline fueled Van Pattern and mates, are interrupting and sabotaging their case with their wild, and amateur antics, but the latter is who you would call, if you really wanted the job done. Borgnine ,must of really been desperate. Get this, the sexy Lynda Day George plays Borgnine's wife. Very 80's, but Kevin's non fetchng persona brings the film down a bit, and very much resembles the cop character, in the b movie, Deathflash.
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