Video nasty checklist
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Also known as The New Adventures of Snow White, this sex farce is part of the career downward trajectory of Rolf Thiele, who had once been a mainstream director, but increasingly found himself making lower-budget sex comedies. It's all about Snow White (Marie Liljedahl, who was Eugenie in Eugenie...The Story of Her Journey into Perversion), Cinderella (Eva Rueber-Staier, who was General Gogol's assistant Rublevitch in the films The Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only and Octopussy) and Sleeping Beauty having a series of adult adventures.

There's also a dude in a bear suit.

As for the evil queen, she's played by Ingrid van Bergen, who famously shot her lover dead in 1977 and was released five years later to continue being a star. She also was in the Edgar Wallace adaption The Avenger and The Vampire Happening.

A section 3 video nasty, this is a pretty tame film other than the scene where one of Cinderella's wicked stepsisters literally slices her heel off to fit it into the glass slipper. Wow. That even took me a second to get over. Well done, silly sex comedy from 1969.
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