Prey (VI) (2021)
A film that makes you think
17 September 2021
And your thought would be something along the lines of: "Why did I waste my time with this?" or "How does Netflix greenlight something as bad as this?" or even "How could you make a movie even more pointless than this?".

These are all very valid questions, indeed. This film has very little to offer, most of it being utter disappointment and boredom. Add in stupid characters who are as flat as the writer's brain is smooth and pacing that makes a limping grandma seem agile.

Season with some awful camera work and a color palette that seems like they accidentally delivered the ungraded version for even more blandness and sprinkle some stock music with no meaning into this stew of talentlessness to have the complete experience: 87 minutes that you will never get back.

Stay far away from this and watch something good instead. For example, something this is miserably failing at copying: DELIVERANCE.
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