Till death us do part.
17 September 2021
Master of the macabre Arthur Machen loosely based his novel 'The Islington Mystery' on Dr. Crippen's murder of his wife Cora. Although he retained some of the circumstances he changed the characters to Mr. & Mrs. Boale. In this adaptation by screenwriter Luis Alcoriza, they have become Dr. Pablo Morales and his wife Gloria.

There seems to be an unwritten law which exists to this day that when a wife is murdered or missing, presumed dead, the prime suspect is invariably the husband. Taxidermist Morales has more cause for murder than most as his wife subjects him to relentless mental and emotional torture whilst presenting herself as the victim to her hideous relations, his brutal brother and an over-zealous Catholic priest. Morales confides to a friend early on in the film that to commit a murder, be tried for it and acquitted is the ultimate achievement. Our hero almost makes it but of course there is always the unexpected............

This is definitely for those who like their comedies 'black'(apologies to the 'woke' patrol) The camera angles, lighting effects and Raúl Lavista's score add immeasurably to the film's gruesome nature.

It is the performance of Artúro de Cordova as Morales that carries the day. He has always excelled at characters with an 'edge' and his casting here is a masterstroke. This film was made as Mexico's Golden Age, of which he was one of the brightest stars, was rapidly coming to a close and he himself in his early fifties. Sadly incapacitated by a stroke in 1967, this is, to my knowledge, the last of his great roles. The part of his insufferable spouse Gloria is a difficult one to play and Amparo Rivelles convinces as a woman who must at some stage have been an engaging partner before disease and excessive piety took their toll.

Luis Alcoriza had a fruitful working relationship with Luis Bunuel which included 'Exterminating Angel' and 'El', the latter gifting de Córdova another marvellous role. Although Rogelio A. Gonzalez does a pretty good job here one cannot help but wonder how Bunuel would have handled this material.

Both this film and the works of Arthur Machen have had a strong influence on director Guillermo del Toro. One is hardly surprised.
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