The Walking Dead: Rendition (2021)
Season 11, Episode 4
Well produced, well acted, but now almost completely out of ideas...
15 September 2021
So, here we go again. A lunatic, misguided big bad with crazy followers. They'll be mean, probably kill off a character we like and then our friends will kill most of them. How many times have we seen this now? A fallen world surely presents more fertile story-telling ground than this?

Secondly, once again we have split up the cast into two or more plot lines. Why? Cost maybe? Production issues? All this does is frustrate the narrative. By now, we all know that mid-season finales and season finales are usually the best episodes and the whole cast is brought to the fore. I see next week, we switch to the other plot line.

Like everyone else, I suspect I'll plod along to the last episode. Maybe 7 seasons would have been enough.
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