I loved it up until the incredibly downbeat ending.
15 September 2021
Up until the last 15 minutes or so of "Penn & Teller Get Killed", I really liked the movie. After all, I loved their stage act and TV appearances and much of it plays like this side of the comic magicians. But the last 15 minutes just didn't work for me and took the fun out of an otherwise fun movie.

This film follows Penn & Teller as they do their acts on television and on stage. In between, you see the pair doing lots of funny things....that is until it seems that some psycho is trying to murder Penn. This plot works well...until the end. Suffice to say the film is often wonderful but all this falls flat at the end....an ending which is about as downbeat as you can find in any film.

It's really a shame, as much of the movie is great. I especially liked a tiny scene where there is a Three Stooges film festival...and you can overhear someone saying that their favorite Stooge was Joe Besser. NOBODY's favorite Stooge was Besser...and I even believe Besser would have agreed!
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