Death Squad (2019–2020)
OK! Not great, just OK.
14 September 2021
The title says it all, really.

I didn't want to pull my hair out in rage, like some of the reviewers, but then, I'm not as wedded to the genre as perhaps some of the others are, so there's no rage from me. Haha!

It was decent enough and had (just about) enough highlights to keep me watching through to the end. That said, it WAS too long. Either the show should have been like 10 episodes, or each episode should have been half as long, bc I DID find that sometimes it was an effort to persevere to the end of a 45 min episode. Breaking it down a little more, might have helped.

Not terrible. A LOT more then 'meh', but definitely less than 'great'!
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