Malignant (I) (2021)
At times it feels like it's intentionally bad - a bizarre experience
13 September 2021
James Wan is one of the best horror film makers working today. It breaks my heart when he makes a film like 'Furious 7' or 'Aquaman' because it is such a waste of his talents. I have been excited for 'Malignant' for a very long time now due to the pandemic. I finally got to see it tonight, and I'm very disappointed to say it was a big let down.

This was a really bizarre viewing experience for me. It felt like Wan was intentionally trying to make a bad film at times. There are moments that are so shockingly campy and unnatural it ruins entire scenes of the movie. Also the theme music was utterly bizarre. It was so over-the-top and unsubtle and often played in moments that were completely not calling for it.

The movie tries to pull things together later on in the piece with some interesting reveals, but by then too much damage is already done. There is also a shocking scene near the end which feels like it was pulled straight out of 'The Matrix'. A character suddenly becomes superhuman in their ability to move and it makes no sense at all.

I just don't know what happened here. Was Wan so desperate to create something unique and original that he decided this was worth a try? Possibly. Even the best don't get it right every time. 5/10.
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