As a fan of "Dating Naked" and NAA, this sucks
13 September 2021
TL;DR As a fan of trash tv, this sucks

I LOVE LOVE LOVE trashy shows. Not mainstream Bachelor BS, I'm talking Dating Naked, Netflix trash, TLC trash, etc. Dating Naked was dripping with delicious trashiness and all the other clones of it were hilarious too. I love NAA because of the drama and struggle. But you cannot combine them in any good way.

This has no survival aspect to it at all. They literally smear their food on each other when they go on a date for fun. Everything is built for them and they are in the middle of all the resources. They are one step below camping. Only one contestant was actually on the original show, and everyone gets a survival picture book.

But since they are ACTING like it is a survival show, it's hard to see it as a dating show. In the first season of NAA, one or two people talked about maybe finding a love connection. After that season, everyone realized that no one wants to date after three weeks without a shower and it was never really mentioned again. We've already known this wouldn't work.

So what do we do? Force it all together and have a show that is crappy at being both a survival show and dating show.

This isn't trash, this is garbage.
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